WEET WMH Pure Aluminium Foil Capacitor Cross to Cicada and Alumen_Z-Cap Testing Report and Reviews

WEE Technology Company Limited - WEE are Capacitors Specialist

If you want to know how our WEET WMH Pure Aluminium Foil capacitor sound, we suggest you to read the reveiws of Cicada and Alumen_Z-Cap foil and film capacitors.

Our WMH is cross reference to both of them.

Cicada Pure Aluminium Foil 100VDC - 3% tolerance

Technical specifications: Film and foil type MKP from Taiwan.

Sound: The Cicada Pure Aluminium Foil capacitor is similar in character to the Mundorf Supreme in that it has a slight top-end high-lighting except the Cicada lacks the fluidity and smoothness of the Mundorf. Compared to rich and harmonically natural capacitors like Jupiter BeesWax and the Obbligato Aluminium type, the Cicada Pure Aluminium Foil sounds a little rough and technical. After a very long burn-in time they did smooth a lot but they still maintained a sort of "hifi" sound. They are very accurate and good at retrieving detail. They put an emphasis on the leading edge of the note and have nice dynamic snap that can sound exciting on some recordings or types of music. But for me ultimately they could do with a bit more natural harmonic richness and fluidity to be able to shine in all situations.

Verdict: 9+

Alumen_Z-Cap Pure Aluminium Foil 100VDC - 3% tolerance


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