WEET Can Capacitors With Different Capacities and The Same Voltage Be Used in Parallel

WEE Technology Company Limited - WEE are Capacitors Specialist

Can capacitors with different capacities and the same voltage be used in parallel


Can Combine capacitors in parallel?

Calculating the total capacitance of two or more capacitors in parallel is simple: Just add up the individual capacitor values to get the total capacitance.

This rule makes sense if you think about it for a moment. When you connect capacitors in parallel, you’re essentially connecting the plates of the individual capacitors. So connecting two identical capacitors in parallel essentially doubles the size of the plates, which effectively doubles the capacitance.

Remember: Whenever you see two or more capacitors in parallel in a circuit, you can substitute a single capacitor whose value is the sum of the individual capacitors. Similarly, any time you see a single capacitor in a circuit, you can substitute two or more capacitors in parallel as long as their values add up to the original value.

Tips: The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is always greater than the capacitance of any of the individual capacitors. That’s because each capacitor adds its own capacitance to the total.

Summary: We do not suggest to combine capacitors, as the more capacitors you combine,  the bigger total capacitance you will get. Usually you have to choose the single right capacitance capacitor for your application. 

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