WEET Which Sound Quality is Better With Solid State Electrolytic Capacitor or Audio Capacitor?

WEE Technology Company Limited - WEE are Capacitors Specialist

Which sound quality is better with solid state electrolytic capacitor or audio capacitor?

There are various kinds of audio capacitors because of their different uses, different structures and different materials. Their electrical properties, structures and uses depend largely on the medium used. According to the media, they are classified into organic medium, inorganic medium, liquid oil medium and gas dielectric capacitor, etc. in terms of audio circuit, the most commonly used transistors are organic medium and inorganic dielectric electrolytic capacitor . Organic dielectric capacitance, also known as film capacitance, is mainly composed of paper dielectric (MP), metal dielectric, polyester (Mylar, also known as polyester), polystyrene (MKS), polypropylene (MKP), polycarbonate (MKC) and Polyterephthalate (MKT).

Among them, paper dielectric, polyester, polypropylene three kinds of capacitors are respectively divided into metallized medium and non metallized medium. Generally speaking, once the capacitor of metallized medium is broken down, the arc generated at the breakdown point will melt and evaporate the metal film and eliminate the short circuit. It can automatically resume normal operation and have self-healing function. The performance of this kind of capacitor is very good, which is generally used in power supply. Metallized polyester capacitor (Mylar) and metallized polypropylene capacitor (MKP) can eliminate the inductance caused by winding, and make a better performance non inductive capacitor. This kind of capacitor should choose the nominal capacitance on the capacitor, and the winding process is special, so the non inductive capacitor can be made. The inorganic capacitors are mainly mica, ceramic dielectric, single stone and glass glaze.

Electrolytic capacitor is represented by aluminum electrolytic capacitor, which has the characteristics of small volume and large capacity. It can achieve dozens of micro methods to 20000 or 30000 micro methods, but its impedance frequency characteristics are poor, temperature characteristics are not good, low insulation resistance, large leakage current, long time not used will deteriorate and fail. Because the conductivity of electrolyte is not very good, the resistance is large, the loss is also large, the distributed capacitance and error are not very small, so the performance of electrolytic capacitor is far inferior to that of thin film capacitor. It is only suitable for power filter and power decoupling, not suitable for audio frequency coupling circuit.

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